Ultima-Deca 250 – Ultima Pharmaceuticals



Buy Ultima-Deca 250 Injectable Steroids Online – Ultima Pharmaceuticals

 CLASSIFICATION Anabolic Steroid
 DOSAGE Men 300-600 mg/week
 ACNE Rarely
 HBR Perhaps
 MANUFACTURER Ultima Pharmaceuticals
 LAB TEST See Document
 WAREHOUSE International Warehouse 3
 SUBSTANCE Nandrolone Decanoate,

(Save $22.00) $198.00
(Save $88.00) $352.00

Ultima-Deca is a popular injectable anabolic steroid among weightlifters and bodybuilders, with Nandrolone Decanoate as its active ingredient. It is renowned for its significant anabolic effects on muscle growth and its low incidence of side effects.

Ultima-Deca is a long-acting anabolic steroid produced by Ultima Pharmaceuticals. It is characterized by a mild androgenic effect (30%) and a relatively high anabolic activity (150% of testosterone). The half-life of its active substance typically lasts at least two weeks.

Nandrolone-based steroids have been available since the 1960s and come in two forms: Nandrolone Decanoate and Nandrolone Phenylpropionate. Due to its safety profile and minimal post-cycle regression, Ultima-Deca has been a key anabolic agent for over fifty years. Beyond athletics and bodybuilding, it is also used medically for severe trauma, anemia, growth hormone deficiency, and breast cancer prevention in women, among other conditions.

Ultima-Deca Effects:

  • Significant, steady muscle gain with minimal post-cycle regression (up to 8 kg of muscle per year)
  • Strengthening of ligaments (by stimulating collagen synthesis) and bones (used in osteoporosis treatment)
  • Increased joint lubrication, reducing joint pain
  • Enhanced immune system function
  • Improved endurance through better oxygen transport
  • Enhanced digestion and nutrient absorption

Due to its low androgenic activity, an Ultima-Deca cycle is less likely to cause side effects such as baldness, excessive fat gain, acne, or high blood pressure. Additionally, estrogenic side effects like gynecomastia and water retention are significantly reduced—studies show that Ultima-Deca converts to estrogen at a rate five times lower than testosterone. However, side effects may still occur when used in combination with other steroids or at excessive dosages. Therefore, it is crucial to carefully plan your cycle and dosage.

How to Use Ultima-Deca: Dosage and Cycle

  • The recommended dosage for men is 200 mg per week, while women should limit their dose to 50-100 mg (once every 1-4 weeks).
  • It is advisable to start an Ultima-Deca cycle with a low dosage (50 mg), gradually increasing it. The maximum recommended dose is 600 mg per week.
  • An Ultima-Deca cycle typically lasts 8-10 weeks. For longer cycles, using human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) is essential.
  • To manage the progesterone activity of Ultima-Deca, it is recommended to include Dostinex starting in the second week (1.25 mg twice daily), continuing for 2-3 weeks after the last injection.
  • Use Clomid as needed, beginning in the final week of the cycle. Taper off over 2-4 weeks with a dosage of 50-100 mg.

Ultima-Deca Combination Cycles

Due to certain side effects of an Ultima-Deca solo cycle (such as decreased libido and testosterone suppression), it is often recommended to combine it with Testosterone. The optimal combination is 200-300 mg per week of Ultima-Deca with 500 mg per week of Testosterone.

Ultima-Deca can also be combined with Winstrol or Dianabol, and there is a well-established “gold standard” combination of Deca with other steroids in bodybuilding and weightlifting.

In addition to mass-gaining cycles, Ultima-Deca is also used during cutting cycles and low-androgenic periods. Always consult with a healthcare provider before combining anabolic steroids.

Ultima-Deca reviews are predominantly positive due to its low risk of side effects and minimal post-cycle regression. Despite its gradual muscle-building effects, 87% of surveyed athletes are satisfied with its quality, and 77% consider the price to be fair. These factors, along with its compatibility with other steroids, contribute to its widespread popularity.

Warnings: Keep out of reach of children. For adults only.


Ultima Pharmaceuticals


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Buy Ultima-Deca 250 Injectable Steroids Online - Ultima Pharmaceuticals

Ultima-Deca 250 - Ultima Pharmaceuticals
