PHARMATEST U 250 – Pharmacom Labs – US



Buy PHARMATEST U 250 Injectable Steroid Online – Pharmacom Labs – US

 CLASSIFICATION Anabolic Steroid
 DOSAGE Men 250-1000 mg/week
 HBR Perhaps
 CARRIER OIL Grapeseed Oil
 MANUFACTURER Pharmacom Labs – US
 WAREHOUSE USA Warehouse 4
 SUBSTANCE Testosterone Undecanoate,


PHARMATEST U 250 (Testosterone Undecanoate) is a very long testosterone ester (half-life ~ 30-36 days). Due to the long half-life, TU is successfully used as hormone replacement therapy (HRT). When using TU, the frequency of testosterone injections can be reduced to 1 time every 2-3 months! In bodybuilding, TU is used as a basis for very long (“eternal”) cycles, allowing you to reduce the frequency of injections while maintaining a smooth hormonal background. In the “eternal” cycle, the frequency of injections can be every 2-6 weeks. On HRT – every 2-3 months.

A single introduction of 750mg TU will create a three-month background at the level of the physiological norm. A dosage of 1500-2500 mg of TU per month is suitable for an eternal cycle. For HRT – 1000mg TU every 2-3 months.

With a half-life of around 30-36 days, it is a very slow release ester, than PHARMATEST C 250 (Testosterone Cypionate).


Pharmacom Labs


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Buy PHARMATEST U 250 Injectable Steroid Online - Pharmacom Labs - US

PHARMATEST U 250 - Pharmacom Labs - US
