Pharma OXY 50 – Pharmacom Labs



Buy Pharma OXY 50 Injectable Steroid Online – Pharmacom Labs

 CLASSIFICATION Anabolic Steroid
 DOSAGE Men 250-350mg/week
 HBR Perhaps
 CARRIER OIL Grapeseed Oil
 MANUFACTURER Pharmacom Labs
 WAREHOUSE International Warehouse 3
 SUBSTANCE Oxymetholone Injectable,

(Save $22.00) $203.00
(Save $90.00) $360.00

Oxymetholone (Anapolon/Anadrol): Powerful Synthetic Steroid for Muscle Gain

Oxymetholone, also known as Anapolon or Anadrol, is a potent synthetic steroid and a 17-alpha-alkylated modification of dihydrotestosterone. Initially developed for treating osteoporosis and anemia, it also stimulates muscle gain in malnourished and debilitated patients. Approved by the FDA for human use, non-steroidal drugs later replaced it for treating these conditions, leading to a decline in its popularity. By 1993, Syntex and other manufacturers ceased its production.

Performance and Effects

Oxymetholone is similar to methandienone in performance, promoting active muscle bulking and significant power increases. However, much of the gained weight is due to water retention, which can lead to high blood pressure during the cycle.

Strong Pumping Effect

Oxymetholone increases hemoglobin levels and blood volume, causing a strong pumping effect in athletes. This can complicate training as muscles may get sore almost immediately after the first heavy set.

Chemical Structure and Estrogenic Properties

As a derivative of dihydrotestosterone, oxymetholone does not aromatize. Despite not converting to estradiol, it has pronounced estrogenic properties. Only antiestrogens can combat these estrogenic side effects, not aromatase inhibitors, as aromatase is not involved in the process.

Progestogenic Activity

While some suggest oxymetholone’s estrogenic activity relates to progestogenic activity like nandrolones, medical studies have shown that oxymetholone does not possess progestogenic activity.

Injectable Version by Pharmacom Labs

Pharmacom Labs has created an injectable version of oxymetholone. By bypassing the liver, it offers higher bioavailability and lower hepatotoxicity compared to the oral version.


Pharmacom Labs


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Buy Pharma OXY 50 Injectable Steroid Online - Pharmacom Labs

Pharma OXY 50 - Pharmacom Labs
