Geneza Pharmaceuticals

81 Products

  • Buy GP Oral Tren Oral Steroid Online - Geneza Pharmaceuticals

    Buy GP Oral Tren Oral Steroid Online – Geneza Pharmaceuticals Ingredient:Methyltrienolone Manufacturer:Geneza Pharmaceuticals Brand Name:Oral Tren GP Oral Tren is a form of the popular steriod Trenbolone which has been modified to become orally active. Trenbolone is the most powerful overall steroid in use by bodybuilders today. Tren, as it […]

  • Buy GP Oxan Oral Steroid Online - Geneza Pharmaceuticals

    Buy GP Oxan Oral Steroid Online – Geneza Pharmaceuticals Ingredient:Oxandrolone Manufacturer:Geneza Pharmaceuticals Brand Name:Anavar, Var GP Oxan is an oral steroid which contains 10 mg of the hormone Oxandrolone. GP Oxan is considered one of the mildest steroids that there is. It is mildly anabolic and mildly androgenic. Even though it […]

  • Buy GP Oxy Oral Steroid Online - Geneza Pharmaceuticals

    Buy GP Oxy Oral Steroid Online – Geneza Pharmaceuticals Ingredient:Oxymetholone Manufacturer:Geneza Pharmaceuticals Brand Name:Anadrol, Oxy GP Oxy is an oral steroid which contains 50 mg of the hormone Oxymetholone. GP Oxy is a very good drug for promoting massive gains in both strength and size. This steroid is very anabolic […]

  • $34.00

    Buy GP Phenyl Injectable Steroid Online – Geneza Pharmaceuticals Ingredient:Nandrolone Phenylpropionate Manufacturer:Geneza Pharmaceuticals Brand Name:Durabolin, NPP GP Phenyl 100 by Geneza Pharmaceuticals is a highly effective injectable steroid containing Nandrolone Phenylpropionate at 100 mg per ml. Key Benefits: Fast-Acting: The phenylpropionate ester ensures rapid action, making it a better choice […]

  • $34.00

    Buy GP Phenyl Injectable Steroid Online – Geneza Pharmaceuticals Ingredient:Nandrolone Phenylpropionate Manufacturer:Geneza Pharmaceuticals Brand Name:Durabolin, NPP GP Phenyl 100 by Geneza Pharmaceuticals is a highly effective injectable steroid containing Nandrolone Phenylpropionate at 100 mg per ml. Key Benefits: Fast-Acting: The phenylpropionate ester ensures rapid action, making it a better choice […]

  • Buy GP Prima Injectable Steroid Online - Geneza Pharmaceuticals

    Buy GP Prima Injectable Steroid Online – Geneza Pharmaceuticals Ingredient:Methenolone Enanthate Manufacturer:Geneza Pharmaceuticals Brand Name:Primobolan, Primo GP Prima 100 by Geneza Pharmaceuticals is a highly effective injectable steroid containing Methenolone Enanthate at 100 mg per ml. Key Benefits: Slow-Acting: The enanthate ester ensures a slow release, allowing for less frequent […]

  • Buy GP Proviron Oral Steroid Online - Geneza Pharmaceuticals

    Buy GP Proviron Oral Steroid Online – Geneza Pharmaceuticals Ingredient:Mesterolone Manufacturer:Geneza Pharmaceuticals Brand Name:Proviron GP Proviron is a synthetic androgen that has no anabolic characteristics and is used by bodybuilders during cycles and at the end of steroidal treatment in order to reduce common side effects like gynocomastia, water-retention, lowered […]

  • Buy GP Proviron 25 Oral Steroid Online - Geneza Pharmaceuticals

    Buy GP Proviron 25 Oral Steroid Online – Geneza Pharmaceuticals Ingredient:Mesterolone Manufacturer:Geneza Pharmaceuticals Brand Name:Proviron GP Proviron is an oral steroid containing 25 mg of the hormone Mesterolone per tablet. Proviron, as it is also called, has become a very popular substance among bodybuilders for several different reasons. While GP […]

  • Buy GP Stan Oral Steroid Online - Geneza Pharmaceuticals

    Buy GP Stan Oral Steroid Online – Geneza Pharmaceuticals Ingredient:Stanozolol Manufacturer:Geneza Pharmaceuticals Brand Name:Oral Winstrol GP Stan is an oral steroid which contains the hormone Stanozolol. This is the same substance that is suspended in water in GP Stan inj. The oral preparation of this substance allows bodybuilders to avoid […]

  • Buy GP Stan 50 Injectable Steroid Online - Geneza Pharmaceuticals

    Buy GP Stan 50 Injectable Steroid Online – Geneza Pharmaceuticals Ingredient: Stanozolol Manufacturer: Geneza Pharmaceuticals Brand Name: Winstrol Depot GP Stan 50 by Geneza Pharmaceuticals is a highly effective injectable steroid containing Stanozolol at 50 mg per ml, suspended in water. Key Benefits: Rapid Absorption: The water-based suspension ensures quick […]

  • Buy GP Stan inj. Injectable Steroid Online - Geneza Pharmaceuticals

    Buy GP Stan inj. Injectable Steroid Online – Geneza Pharmaceuticals Ingredient:Stanozolol Manufacturer:Geneza Pharmaceuticals Brand Name:Winstrol Depot GP Stan is an injectable steroid which contains 50 mg per ML of Stanozolol suspended in water. Some bodybuilders claim that the injectable version of this steroid yields better results than does the oral […]

  • Buy GP Superdrol Oral Steroid Online - Geneza Pharmaceuticals

    Buy GP Superdrol Oral Steroid Online – Geneza Pharmaceuticals Ingredient: Methyldrostanolone Manufacturer: Geneza Pharmaceuticals Brand Name: Superdrol GP Superdrol is a powerful oral anabolic steroid derived from dihydrotestosterone. Its structure is a relative of Drostanolone. The only difference – added a methyl radical in 17 alpha position, to increase the […]

  • Buy GP Superdrol 20 Oral Steroid Online - Geneza Pharmaceuticals

    Buy GP Superdrol 20 Oral Steroid Online – Geneza Pharmaceuticals Ingredient:Methyldrostanolone Manufacturer:Geneza Pharmaceuticals Brand Name:Superdrol GP Superdrol is a powerful oral anabolic steroid derived from dihydrotestosterone. Its structure is a relative of Drostanolone. The only difference – added a methyl radical in 17 alpha position, to increase the bioactivity when […]

  • Buy GP Sust Injectable Steroid Online - Geneza Pharmaceuticals

    Buy GP Sust Injectable Steroid Online – Geneza Pharmaceuticals Ingredient: Testosterone Propionate,  Testosterone Decanoate,  Testosterone Isocaproate,  Testosterone Phenylpropionate,  Testosterone Acetate Manufacturer: Geneza Pharmaceuticals Brand Name: Sustanon (Testosterone Blend) GP Sust 270 by Geneza Pharmaceuticals is a powerful injectable steroid containing a blend of five different testosterone esters, totaling 270 mg per ml: Testosterone Acetate […]

  • Buy GP Sust 270 Injectable Steroid Online - Geneza Pharmaceuticals

    Buy GP Sust 270 Injectable Steroid Online – Geneza Pharmaceuticals Ingredient: Testosterone Propionate,  Testosterone Decanoate ,  Testosterone Isocaproate,  Testosterone Phenylpropionate ,  Testosterone Acetate Manufacturer: Geneza Pharmaceuticals Brand Name: Sustanon (Testosterone Blend) GP Sust 270 by Geneza Pharmaceuticals is a powerful injectable steroid containing a blend of five different testosterone esters, totaling 270 mg per ml: Testosterone […]

  • Buy GP T3 Oral Steroid Online - Geneza Pharmaceuticals

    Buy GP T3 Oral Steroid Online – Geneza Pharmaceuticals Ingredient:Liothyronine Sodium Manufacturer:Geneza Pharmaceuticals Brand Name:T3, Tiromel, Cytomel T3 – is the trade name for the drug Liothyronine Sodium. This is not an anabolic steroid, but a thyroid hormone. 1 pill contains active substance: Liothyronine Sodium – 25 mcg GP T3 […]