Ultima-Deca 500 – Ultima Pharmaceuticals



Buy Ultima-Deca 500 Injectable Steroids Online – Ultima Pharmaceuticals

 CLASSIFICATION Anabolic Steroid
 DOSAGE Men 300-600 mg/week
 ACNE Rarely
 HBR Perhaps
 MANUFACTURER Ultima Pharmaceuticals
 LAB TEST See Document
 WAREHOUSE International Warehouse 3
 SUBSTANCE Nandrolone Decanoate

Ultima-Deca 500: Elevate Your Muscle Gains and Endurance

Ultima-Deca 500, an injectable steroid from Ultima Pharmaceuticals, is renowned for its ability to enhance muscle mass and endurance. Favored by athletes and bodybuilders, this anabolic steroid is celebrated for its minimal side effects, lack of aromatization, and excellent compatibility in stack cycles, as highlighted by numerous positive reviews.

Active Ingredient:

The primary component of Ultima-Deca 500 is Nandrolone Decanoate, a prominent steroid in professional sports. While similar to Testosterone, Nandrolone has a lower androgenic activity (30%) and a higher anabolic activity (150%). This results in fewer androgenic side effects and reduced risk of gynecomastia when used at recommended doses.

Effects of Ultima-Deca 500:

  • Balanced Benefits: Ultima-Deca 500 offers an optimal balance of muscle-building effects with minimal adverse reactions. It does have some progestogenic activity, which may cause mild gynecomastia and decreased testosterone production due to potential disruption of the hypothalamic-pituitary-testes axis.

  • Liver Safety: Unlike some steroids, Ultima-Deca 500 does not adversely affect the liver, making it suitable for individuals with liver issues.

Usage Guidelines:

  • Cycle Duration: Recommended cycles last between 6 to 8 weeks. Injections should be administered once a week due to the steroid’s 15-day activity period.

  • Dosage: The typical dosage ranges from 200 to 400 mg per week. While the maximum recommended dose is 600 mg per week, increasing the dosage may elevate the risk of side effects. Two cycles with reasonable doses and breaks between them often yield better results than a single high-dose cycle.

  • Combination Cycles: For enhanced results, Ultima-Deca 500 can be effectively combined with other steroids. Notable combinations include:

    • Ultima-Deca 500 + Testosterone Enanthate
    • Ultima-Deca 500 + Dianabol
    • Ultima-Deca 500 + Winstrol/Stanozolol (recommended at lower doses for cutting cycles, such as 250 mg per week)

    An example of a potent muscle-building cycle is:

    • Ultima-Deca 500 + Testosterone Enanthate + Dianabol (for half the cycle) + Winstrol Depot + Testosterone Propionate

Additional Tips:

For optimal results, complement your cycle with a structured nutrition plan and sports supplements geared towards muscle growth.

Warnings: Keep out of reach of children. For adults only.


Ultima Pharmaceuticals


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Ultima-Deca 500 - Ultima Pharmaceuticals

Ultima-Deca 500 - Ultima Pharmaceuticals
