BP Fenandrol 10ml



Buy BP Fenandrol 10ml Injectable Steroid Online – Balkan Pharmaceuticals

BP Fenandrol F 10 ml – Fast-Acting Nandrolone Phenylpropionate

Product Overview: BP Fenandrol F 10 ml by Balkan Pharmaceuticals features nandrolone phenylpropionate, a potent anabolic steroid. Similar to nandrolone decanoate but without durabolin, this formulation offers a shorter action period, making it ideal for those seeking quicker results.

Key Features:

  • Active Ingredient: Nandrolone Phenylpropionate
  • Concentration: 100 mg/ml
  • Volume: 10 ml per vial
  • Manufacturer: Balkan Pharmaceuticals


  • Quality Muscle Growth: Promotes muscle mass increase at a slower but more sustainable pace compared to Decanoate.
  • Shorter Action Period: Acts faster due to its shorter half-life, requiring more frequent dosing.
  • Minimal Side Effects: Lower risk of negative effects compared to other anabolic steroids.

Medical Action: Fenandrol requires careful monitoring, especially in individuals with a history of heart disease, circulatory disorders, liver and kidney dysfunction, epilepsy, migraine, and glaucoma. Regular checks for intraocular pressure and liver function are recommended. Prostate health should also be monitored, and dosage adjustments may be necessary for diabetic patients.

Side Effects: Common side effects include acne, hirsutism, male alopecia, voice deepening, dysmenorrhea, clitoral hypertrophy, gynecomastia, frequent erections, libido changes, nausea, vomiting, and decreased appetite. Consult your doctor if any side effects become severe or if you notice any unlisted side effects.

Dosage: The typical dosage ranges from 150-600 mg per week, with injections administered every 2-3 days. Start with lower doses and gradually increase to avoid side effects.

Conclusion: BP Nandrolone F 10 ml is a reliable and effective solution for those seeking quality muscle growth and faster results. Trust Balkan Pharmaceuticals for quality and results you can depend on.


Balkan Pharmaceuticals


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Buy BP Fenandrol 10ml Injectable Steroid Online - Balkan Pharmaceuticals

BP Fenandrol 10ml
