BP Primobol 10ml



Buy BP Primobol 10ml Injectable Steroid Online – Balkan Pharmaceuticals

Primobol – Methenolone Injectable Solution

Indications: Primobol is used to treat protein synthesis disorders, cachexia of various origins, trauma, extensive burns, post-irradiation and infectious diseases, muscular dystrophy, osteoporosis, negative nitrogen balance during corticosteroid therapy, and hypo and aplastic anemia.

Contraindications: Primobol is contraindicated in patients with hypersensitivity to the drug, prostate cancer, breast cancer in men, breast carcinoma in women with hypercalcemia, severe atherosclerosis, nephrotic syndrome, acute and chronic liver disease, nephritis, pregnancy, and lactation.

Administration: Administer 1 ml deep intramuscularly every 2 weeks. Once the desired result is achieved, the administration can be adjusted to 1 ml every 3-4 weeks.

Medical Action: Methenolone, the active ingredient in Primobol, is an anabolic steroid. It stimulates the genetic apparatus of the cell, leading to increased synthesis of DNA, RNA, and structural proteins. This enhances tissue respiration, oxidative phosphorylation, ATP synthesis, and intracellular macroregion aggregation. Methenolone promotes anabolic processes and inhibits catabolic ones caused by glucocorticoids. It increases muscle mass, reduces fat deposits, improves tissue trophism, promotes calcium deposition in bones, and retains sodium and water in the body. Its hematopoietic action is due to increased erythropoietin synthesis. Androgenic action may contribute to the development of male secondary sexual characteristics.

Precautions: Discontinue administration at the first signs of virilization (deepening of the voice, hirsutism, acne, clitoromegaly) to avoid irreversible changes. Regular monitoring of lipid and cholesterol levels is recommended.

Side Effects:

  • In Women: Virilizing symptoms, menstrual cycle disorders.
  • In Men (Prepubertal): Virilization symptoms, growth inhibition (calcification of epiphyseal growth zones of tubular bones).
  • In Men (Postpubertal): Gynecomastia, priapism, inhibition of spermatogenesis.
  • In Both Genders: Progression of atherosclerosis, peripheral edema, impaired liver function, changes in blood count, pain in long tubular bones.

Overdosage: No cases of overdosage have been reported.


Balkan Pharmaceuticals


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Buy BP Primobol 10ml Injectable Steroid Online - Balkan Pharmaceuticals

BP Primobol 10ml
