GP Ment 50 – Geneza Pharmaceuticals



Buy GP Ment 50 Injectable Steroid Online – Geneza Pharmaceuticals

  • Ingredient: Trestolone Acetate
  • Manufacturer: Geneza Pharmaceuticals
  • Brand Name: Ment

GP Mast 200 by Geneza Pharmaceuticals is a powerful injectable steroid containing Drostanolone Enanthate. It is particularly popular among bodybuilders during the cutting phase of their training and dieting.

Key Benefits:

  • Muscle Definition: Enhances muscle hardness and definition due to its strong androgenic properties.
  • Estrogen Blocker: Acts as an effective estrogen blocker, reducing estrogen-related side effects.
  • SHBG Binding: Binds to Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG), allowing other steroids to bind more effectively to their receptors, enhancing their effectiveness.

Stacking Options:

Bodybuilders often stack GP Mast 200 with other steroids to achieve even greater muscle definition and hardness. Common combinations include:

  • Trenbolone
  • Testosterone Propionate
  • Oral Compounds: Stanozolol or Halotestin

Usage Recommendations:

  • Dosage for Men: 300-600 mg per week
  • Dosage for Women: 100-300 mg per week
  • Injection Frequency: Once every 2-3 days to maintain consistent blood levels

Side Effects:

  • Common Androgenic Side Effects: Oily skin and increased libido
  • Women Bodybuilders: Due to its strong androgenic properties, it is not commonly used by women, although some serious competitors may still choose to use it for its pre-contest effectiveness.

GP Mast 200 is a highly effective steroid that can significantly enhance muscle definition and hardness, making it a popular choice for bodybuilders during cutting cycles. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any steroid cycle to ensure safe and effective use.


Geneza Pharmaceuticals


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Buy GP Ment 50 Injectable Steroid Online - Geneza Pharmaceuticals

GP Ment 50 - Geneza Pharmaceuticals
