PHARMAPRIM 200 – Pharmacom Labs – US



Buy PHARMAPRIM 200 Injectable Steroid Online – Pharmacom Labs – US

 CLASSIFICATION Anabolic Steroid
 DOSAGE 300-800 mg/week
 HBR Perhaps
 CARRIER OIL Grapeseed Oil
 MANUFACTURER Pharmacom Labs – US
 WAREHOUSE USA Warehouse 4
 SUBSTANCE Methenolone Enanthate,


PHARMAPRIM 200 is an anabolic steroid with moderate anabolic effects and low androgenic activity. The active ingredient, Methenolone Enanthate, ensures a long-lasting administration cycle of eight weeks due to its slow release from the blood into the muscle. The weight gained during the cycle remains even after completion.

Pharma PRIM 200 is frequently used during cutting periods and provides high-quality muscle gain, increased endurance, and strength. Experienced athletes often prefer Pharma PRIM 200 injections despite the pain, as the injectable form is cheaper and enters the body more uniformly. Unlike the oral form, injections do not significantly affect the liver.

Pharma PRIM 200 Effects:

  • No aromatization
  • Minimal rollback phenomenon
  • No water retention
  • No fat accumulation
  • Suitable for exiting heavy cycles

How to Use Pharma PRIM 200: Dosage, Cycle, PCT

Although Pharma PRIM 200 is one of the safest anabolic steroids, it is recommended to consult a sports physician before starting the cycle. Follow these best practices:

  • Men: 200-400 mg per week
  • Women: 50-100 mg per week
  • Cycle Duration: 2 months; extending the cycle may cause unwanted side effects without additional weight gain

Pharma PRIM 200 Combination Cycles

For more noticeable results, combine Pharma PRIM 200 with other drugs. It pairs well with Nandrolone Decanoate for quality mass with minimal rollback. Testosterone (in various forms), Sustanon, or Oxymetholone can also be used. For rapid muscle growth and increased strength, combine with Dianabol. During cutting periods, pair with Winstrol for better muscle definition.

Remember to use half the recommended dose for each anabolic steroid in combined cycles.

Warnings: Keep out of reach of children. For adults only.


Pharmacom Labs


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Buy PHARMAPRIM 200 Injectable Steroid Online - Pharmacom Labs - US

PHARMAPRIM 200 - Pharmacom Labs - US
