Propha-Masteron – Beligas – US



Buy Propha-Masteron Injectable Steroid Online – Beligas – US

 ACTIVE HALF-LIFE 1-1.5 days
 CLASSIFICATION Anabolic Steroid
 DOSAGE Men 300-700 mg/week
 LAB TEST See Document
 WAREHOUSE USA Warehouse 2
 SUBSTANCE Drostanolone Propionate,


Propha-Masteron from Beligas Pharmaceuticals is utilized in sports pharmacology to boost athletic performance and muscle mass, particularly when weight gain is not desired. This is achieved through the fat-burning effects of Drostanolone Propionate, making it effective for cutting cycles.

Unlike the Enanthate form, Drostanolone Propionate has a shorter half-life, meaning it requires more frequent injections, though it remains effective.

Synthesized from dihydrotestosterone, Drostanolone Propionate features enhanced anabolic strength and metabolism. The esterification with propionic acid prolongs the drug’s effects, lasting about two days after injection.

Propha-Masteron Effects:

  • Stimulates muscle growth
  • Suppresses female hormone production, avoiding aromatization
  • Reduces body fat
  • Does not convert to estradiol
  • Minimizes water retention
  • Enhances athletic performance
  • Improves muscle definition and vascularity
  • Lowers globulin levels

The low rebound effect of Drostanolone Propionate is due to its muscle density and its ability to inhibit catabolic reactions. Proper training, diet, and supplementation with peptides, fat burners, and vitamins can further enhance results.

How to Use Propha-Masteron: Dosage, Cycle, PCT

  • Cycle Duration: Typically 2-3 months.
  • Men: Recommended dose is 200-400 mg per week, though some use up to 500 mg without issues. Higher doses may lead to side effects.
  • Women: Safe dose is up to 100 mg per week, with 50 mg being sufficient for muscle definition. Dosage should not exceed 100 mg per week to avoid virilization.
  • Injection Frequency: Administered three times a week or every other day, divided into three doses.

Propha-Masteron Combination Cycles

Propha-Masteron is often used in combination cycles to enhance results and minimize side effects from other steroids. Its ability to reduce estrogen makes it a valuable addition.

  • For dense, quality muscle without excess water, combine it with Nandrolone Decanoate or Boldenone Undecylenate.
  • For minimal side effects, pair with Testosterone Propionate. Long cycles may require Gonadotropins to maintain testosterone production.
  • Experienced users may try a drying cycle with muscle gain, including Testosterone Propionate (150 mg every other day), Trenbolone Acetate (50 mg daily), and Drostanolone Propionate (150 mg every other day). Winstrol can be added starting from the fourth week at 50 mg daily.

Propha-Masteron Reviews

Drostanolone Propionate is highly rated for muscle quality (88%) and effectiveness (87%). Only 18% of users report side effects, and injections are generally painless.

Warnings: Keep out of reach of children. For adult use only.


Beligas Pharmaceuticals


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Buy Propha-Masteron Injectable Steroid Online - Beligas - US

Propha-Masteron - Beligas - US
