Rimobolan – Bayer



Buy Rimobolan Injectable Steroid Online – Bayer

 CLASSIFICATION Anabolic Steroid
 DOSAGE 300-800 mg/week
 HBR Perhaps
 WAREHOUSE International Warehouse 2
 SUBSTANCE Methenolone Enanthate,

(Save $18.00) $162.00
(Save $72.00) $288.00

Methenolone, commonly known as Primobolan Depot and rebranded as Rimobolan by Bayer AG, is an anabolic steroid derived from Dihydrotestosterone. It features weak androgenic activity and moderate anabolic effects. Rimobolan is the injectable form of Methenolone Enanthate, which has a long duration of action—approximately two weeks—due to its gradual release from muscles into the bloodstream. Its duration of action is similar to that of Testosterone Enanthate. However, a drawback of this form is the pain associated with the injections.


Rimobolan’s anabolic effects are relatively mild, comparable to Deca-Durabolin, making it most effective during cutting cycles where the goal is to maintain muscle rather than significantly increase it. Methenolone has minimal rollback effects, but many athletes find that Rimobolan alone does not meet their muscle growth expectations.

While Rimobolan slightly reduces testosterone production, its impact is less severe compared to testosterone or Nandrolone. Research indicates that a cycle of Rimobolan at 40 mg (oral) can reduce testosterone levels by 50%. Significant suppression of endogenous testosterone production is mainly seen in long cycles with high doses, which may necessitate the use of gonadotropin to prevent testicular atrophy. Due to its low androgenic activity, Rimobolan generally does not cause baldness. Possible side effects include aggression, anxiety, insomnia, and elevated liver enzymes at high doses.

Rimobolan is considered one of the safer anabolic steroids available.

Rimobolan Cycle

Rimobolan is ideal for cutting cycles to preserve and define muscle. Its mild action requires a longer cycle, up to 8 weeks, but extending the cycle increases the risk of side effects. The recommended dosage is 400 mg per week, with post-cycle therapy (PCT) starting 3 weeks after the final injection. Consult with a doctor before beginning the cycle to avoid potential contraindications.

Combined Cycles

Given Methenolone’s relatively weak anabolic effect, it is often combined with other steroids for enhanced results. Rimobolan is effectively paired with:

  • Nandrolone: For muscle mass gain (a safe option to preserve muscle)
  • Testosterone: For muscle mass gain
  • Sustanon: For muscle mass gain
  • Anadrol: For muscle mass gain
  • Methandrostenolone: For muscle mass gain
  • Winstrol: For cutting

It is advisable to combine only one steroid at a time and use each at half-doses to minimize side effects and optimize the cycle’s effectiveness.

Side Effects

Rimobolan does not convert to estrogen, which reduces the risk of developing gynecomastia and edema, making it a favorable choice for those concerned about estrogenic side effects.




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Buy Rimobolan Injectable Steroid Online - Bayer

Rimobolan - Bayer
