Ultima-TNE 100 – Ultima Pharmaceuticals – EU



Buy Ultima-TNE 100 Injectable Steroid Online – Ultima Pharmaceuticals – EU

 MANUFACTURER Ultima Pharmaceuticals – EU
 WAREHOUSE EU Warehouse 1
 SUBSTANCE Testosterone No Ester,

(Save $23.00) $207.00
(Save $92.00) $368.00

Ultima-TNE 100: Pure Testosterone for Muscle Gains

Buy Ultima-TNE 100 – an injectable steroid from Ultima Pharmaceuticals containing pure testosterone without any attached ester. Each vial contains 10 ml with a concentration of 100 mg/ml, providing a full 100 mg of the steroid. Despite its raw nature, Ultima-TNE 100 is exceptionally potent and effective.


  • Promotes significant muscle size and strength gains
  • Enhances overall well-being
  • Increases libido and sex drive

Side Effects:

  • Estrogen buildup and related side effects may occur, requiring anti-estrogens like Anastrozole, Proviron, or Tamoxifen
  • Androgenic side effects such as oily skin, particularly at higher doses

Dosage and Cycle:

  • Men: 400-1200 mg per week, with cycle durations of 8-20 weeks depending on goals
  • Women: 50-100 mg per week for desirable results

Key Features:

  • Testosterone is the most common anabolic hormone, serving as the cornerstone of many steroid cycles
  • Dual anabolic and androgenic nature contributes to widespread use among bodybuilders
  • Users should monitor for potential estrogenic and androgenic side effects, adjusting dosage and incorporating appropriate ancillaries as needed


Ultima Pharmaceuticals


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Buy Ultima-TNE 100 Injectable Steroid Online - Ultima Pharmaceuticals - EU

Ultima-TNE 100 - Ultima Pharmaceuticals - EU
