Pro-Dynabol – Beligas – US




Buy Pro-Dynabol Oral Steroids Online – Beligas – US

 CLASSIFICATION Anabolic Steroid
 DOSAGE 150-350mg/week
 HBR Yes
 WAREHOUSE USA Warehouse 2
 SUBSTANCE Methandienone,


Pro-Dynabol: Potent Methandienone Anabolic Steroid

Active Ingredient: Methandienone

Pro-Dynabol is a powerful anabolic steroid that, once inside the cell’s nucleus, boosts the synthesis of DNA, RNA, and structural proteins. It activates tissue respiration enzymes, enhances ATP synthesis, and accumulates macroergs within the cell. This process stimulates anabolic activities while inhibiting catabolic ones, leading to significant muscle mass increase, reduced body fat, calcium deposition in bones, and retention of nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur, potassium, sodium, and water.

Androgenic Activity: Low, but may contribute to the development of male secondary sexual characteristics.

Absorption: Quickly and completely absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, with a “first pass” effect through the liver. It is 90% bound to specific blood globulins carriers, with a duration of up to 14 hours.

Effects of Pro-Dynabol:

  • Rapid muscle mass increase
  • Enhanced strength
  • Increased appetite
  • Low fat burning
  • Strengthened skeletal system

Possible Side Effects:

  • Gynecomastia (breast enlargement). Preventable with anti-estrogens (Arimidex, Proviron, Proviroxyl) during the cycle. Post-cycle therapy (PCT) with Nolvadex and Clenbuterol is essential.
  • Toxicity. As a 17 alpha methyl group steroid, it resists liver breakdown but can be moderately toxic at high doses. Use hepatoprotective drugs post-cycle and combine Pro-Dynabol with injectable anabolics (e.g., Deca) during the cycle to reduce liver load.
  • Water retention. Mainly in muscles, enhancing visible musculature. Post-cycle, water retention decreases, leading to weight loss (rollback phenomenon). Anti-estrogens and proper PCT can significantly reduce this effect.
  • Masculinization (in females). Pro-Dynabol is not suitable for women, as it can cause symptoms of secondary male sexual characteristics such as body hair growth, muscle growth, deepening of voice, and menstrual cycle disruption.

Pro-Dynabol Cycles:

For Men Aiming for Muscle Mass Gain: Typical dosage is 20-40 mg per day, with 30 mg per day being optimal, divided into three equal doses. Significant mass and strength gains are expected by the end of the cycle. Anti-estrogens (especially Proviron) should be included to enhance cycle efficiency and reduce side effects.

Warnings: Keep out of reach of children. For adults only.

Buy Pro-Dynabol Oral Steroids Online - Beligas - US

Pro-Dynabol - Beligas - US
