S-23 & RAD – Spectre Labs




Buy S-23 & RAD Online – Spectre Labs

 ACTIVE HALF-LIFE 12-18 hours
 DOSAGE 35-70 mg/day
 WAREHOUSE USA Warehouse 2
 SUBSTANCE S-23, Testolone,

S23 and RAD is one of the most powerful SARMS in the market. S23 helps to Accelerated Muscle Growth, Increased Power & Strength, Higher Bone Mineral Density, and Rapid Fat Loss (Great For Cutting) that could rival RAD. For beginners you can take this 10mg/day. This stack is comparable with using Trenbolone and Testosterone. It will greatly increase vascularity and lean muscle mass. Great for recompositing without gaining too much water weight.
Buy S-23 & RAD Online - Spectre Labs

S-23 & RAD - Spectre Labs
